As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster do a digital gen art project, something seems therapeutically mathematical about it, Euclid, was suppose to give me this playground where I can explore different ideas within the same javascript app. In the end, I kind of made a playground but didnt actually explore many gen arts ideas with it, maybe I will one day.
Here is the code and here is a live demo
Main idea is that I can make different gen art pieces (small apps) within the same javascript (clojurescript) file (main app), this would give me the ability to transition between pieces of gen arts (small apps) seemlessly, the vague idea is that if each art piece is represented in a well defined structure then we just need a transition function between any 2 structures (apps), stick an animation on the transition function and voila now we have a new piece of art that connects 2 previous pieces. Anyway I might be reaching but I think the transition animation between 2 gen art pieces could be at least as interesting as the individual pieces themselves.
The project is done in Quil which is a clojurescirpt library (based on p5.js) that allows for interactive graphics and animations.
One of the apps is called Figget-A-Balls, that was named by an 11 year old newphew.